Feba Sukmana

Febrianita Purwani Sukmana (Indonesian translation) got a BA degree in Dutch Linguistics and Literature in 2005 from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta. In 2008, she received her MA in Dutch language and culture from Leiden University.

After graduation Febrianita (Feba) did several courses to improve her skills in creative writing, journalism and video production.

After a few years of working as a program maker at Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW), she went back to school and in 2014 she got her diploma from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, majoring in Teaching Dutch as a second language in adult education (NT2). She currently resides in Rotterdam and works as language teacher (Volksuniversiteit Rotterdam), as translator/interpreter and as editor at Erasmus Magazine.

You can view her profile on LinkedIn.

Feba Sukmana translated A Practical Dutch Grammar into Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) together with Yulia Irma Pattopang.


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